Prime Obsession with Math

Meet the math book you’re were craving for so long

If you are interested in math and like to have your hands dirty in nitty gritty calculations then the Prime Obsession book by John Derbyshire is just for you. Unlike other popular books on mathematics it provides a gentle and powerful introduction to all math you need to know to understand the Riemann Hypothesis (RH). Reading, I should say, working through the book you’ll learn about interesting properties of Prime Numbers, meet the Prime Number Theorem (PNT) and really understand what the Riemann Hypothesis is all about. In this book you’ll meet Gauss, Euler, Riemann, Hilbert and other renowned mathematicians that influenced the development of mathematics.

What I find most useful about this book

There are books that require a discipline to read through, there are books that are plain boring, and there are books that excite you and your imagination, books that you can’t help, but continue reading more and more. The Prime Obsession is of the latter kind.

What I most like about the book is the historical context John Derbyshire provides throughout the book in addition to his sense of humor and his ability to explain required math in a way that each mathematically inclined person can get fast. I should mention, that having an engineering degree could speed up you understanding significantly, but strictly speaking, it is not required.

In addition, the references to other books on mathematics that John provides are very useful and may provide you with additional materials to digest, like the Hardy’s A Course of Pure Mathematics.

Where to get the book?

Surely, the easiest way to get the book is to buy a copy of it in a Kindle format or a print one. I bought a used one quite cheaply, for less than a Kindle book, which generally cheaper than a hard copy. An old fashion way would be to go to a nearest library and fish for the book their.