Drums Lead The Way


Photo by Josh Sorenson on Unsplash

Unexpected turn of events

If you didn’t know it turns out that I play drums a little bit. So after watching quite a few videos on the YouTube, I decided that there may be a merit to share the best of them with other musicians or people who just like to listen to good music. So, I created a public Facebook group called Drums Lead The Way

What this group is all about?

The main purpose of this group is to share useful information mostly about the world of drums, such as helpful drum tutorials from YouTube, Drumeo etc. but also share good music and other stuff related to drums. It seems if you are interested in drums, it’s worth to give it a try and maybe even contribute by providing your own tips and tricks.

So take care and keep drumming!

Now it is the best time to get to the basement and keep on drumming, while the virus is doing its nasty thing outside. 

How To Do It is the best type of a blog post

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Connected world

In this post I want to thank all the people who took part in creating the Internet. And this is because thanks to the Internet I am where I am, doing the work I do and writing these words right now, which later will be read by people just like you thanks to the Internet.

What is nice about the Internet is that it allows you to make unexpected connections throughout the world with almost anyone you can imagine. You can meet your favorite sci-fi author, or maybe an inventor, the scientist you always admired or maybe reconnect with your friends and family. In addition, Internet allows you to find a job, apply for a job and do your work, surely, it depends on the type of the work, but it’s hard to imagine any type of work that doesn’t require some rudimentary access to the Internet.

How to do it yourself

This kind of long introduction brings me to the title of this post. In my opinion, the most useful, helpful and effective way of communicating on the Internet is by producing How To Do It, Fix It, Create It etc. posts. Think for example, about millions of video tutorials on YouTube, be it music, drawing, cooking, fixing machinery and what not. The same goes about written tutorials through out the web, that could potentially teach you almost everything about anything.

Personally, based on the statistics of the posts I wrote on this blog the most viewed ones were posts related to programming, Machine and Deep Learning. It’s not surprising I think, since these posts were about How To install such an such software library, such and such book on Machine Learning, such and such tutorials on how to get things done.

I remember back in Ukraine when I had no Internet we went to a number of libraries trying to win a crossword contest held by a local newspaper. It was kind of tedious process. Nowadays, it is possible to solve any crossword fast and easy using the Internet. 

Get to the bottom of it

The main point is that writing, filming or whatever simple and short How To tutorial may be beneficial in the long run to some person out-there, who’ll be very thankful to accomplish things that were not possible without you sharing your knowledge and experience. I myself used quite a few tutorials on the Internet that helped me fix my car, fix cell phones, tablets, computers. It helped me install or remove software, find very exciting things in life, find an interesting job and be in touch with incredible people coming from around the globe. So, when next time you postpone sharing things that can make life easier to somebody, think again and get to the bottom of it and create a nice tutorial explaining how to stop procrastinating and get going.

Important ingredients in How To Do posts

Judging by the posts I wrote, that resonated with readers I think what the How To Do post should contain is a number of ingredients.

  • First of all, the topic of the post should resonate with yourself and be interesting to you.
  • Second, you shouldn’t be an expert about the topic of the post, but you should be excited about it enough to be able to learn what it requires to explain it in simple terms and clear steps.
  • Third, if the posts can make even a single person more happier by fixing his or her situation, then it’s worth investing time and effort in preparing it in the first place.

So, if you want to share some piece of knowledge that can help others, do not hesitate and share it. In the end, it may even help you later, when you’ll forget how to do it.